After a strong storm or wind-driven rain, take a look in the attic for signs of leaking. Ice damming can also cause water to enter the house if you don’t have an adequate shingle underlayment or if the flashing (the aluminum or steel used over roof joints, like chimneys and pipes) has deteriorated.
When paint starts to peel off, the cause is likely trapped moisture in the house due to excessive temperature or high humidity from poor attic ventilation. The air in the attic needs to flow freely from the soffit to the ridge to reduce humidity. Make sure there is a vent in areas such as the kitchen o
If you see that your shingles are dry or practically break when touched, that means they have reached the end of their useful life and it’s time to invest in a new roof.
GAF offers you many great Lifetime Shingle choices, including Timberline® Shingles with Advanced Protection® Shingle Technology.
Helps remove excess heat and moisture from your attic that can raise your energy bills, cause premature peeling of interior paint and wallpaper, and even affect your health.
Allows moisture to escape from your attic while providing an exceptionally strong layer of protection against wind-driven rain. Also, lies flatter for a better-looking roof.
Saves time, eliminates waste, and reduces the risk of blow-off...and may even help qualify for upgraded wind warranty coverage
Provides exceptional protection against leaks caused by roof settling and extreme weather. Ideal upgrade at all vulnerable areas
Enhances the beauty of your home while guarding against leaks at the hips and ridges
Iron Mike Construction & Design is a certified installer by GAF. After multiple and continuing training excerices by the manufacture, we can guarantee your new roof will be installed to perfection